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Twolverse Fanfiction

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Twolverse Fanfiction Empty Twolverse Fanfiction

Post  Wolfsky Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:56 pm

Ok, So< I found a couple of jotted down ideas in a note book abouyt five minutes ago and decided to turn em into stories xD So i decided to make this topic So that you can post any little self contained storys here About Twol,Sunset or Arts Characters here (Or any other RPs we may make). Bio for Storys:

Based off: Name of RP

Title: A choice
Characters: Dante, some random people
Based off: Twol
Dante Growled and slumped against Teh wall. He reached for his pcokets then remembered the handcuffs and stopped. He Glared at the floor,almost as if he was willing it to open up. His head snapped up at a voice from across teh cell
"It doesn't have to be like this" Said the figure.
Dante growled "Who are you?" he said, Trying to get up "A cop?"
The figure tutted "Such fury! How old are you Welsh? 18? 19?"
Dante Didnt respond for a second "17" he said finally "I'm the oldest still in the house. Raven died a few months ago and Kaien and Posion moved away"
"You're gonna be an uncle if my information is correct?"
"yeah" said Dante, Not knowing why he couldnt stop himself pouring everything out to this guy "How do you-"
"Nevermind that" the figure said "How did Raven Die?"
Dante blinked "Bullet through the head" he said "There as nothing that could be done" he added
The figure shook it's head with a sigh "Such a shame, He was such a promising Young wolf. But anyway, I'm not here about him. Do you like how ypour living Dante? The crime, The Drugs, The violence?"
Dante looked away "Well..."
"Thought not" said the figure, Walking over, His face was cast in shadow no matter how close he came to Dante "I can change this for you, But it's a very high cost" he said "But Things will be better, You'll find love, All your family will be around, You'll be back at 4 but I'll change a choice You made." he explained
Dante frowned "Who are you?" he asked, with barely a whisper. he couldn't work out why he believed all this! It was nonsense!
The figure smiled, or that was the impression Dante got "My Name doesn't matter, Do you agree?"
Dante didn't hesitate. "Yes."

Damien Sighed as he watched the dscene around him change, His arms becoming covered with burn marks. He turned around and smiled, How different his son looked!the red hair thick And around his shoulder And his arm around a slim blonde girl. He Turned and walked away from the scene. Transforming as he went until the sound of his pawsteps and The wolf himself finnally faded away.

I might write the otehr one later xD


Posts : 15098
Join date : 2010-09-27
Age : 26
Location : Inside My Head 0.o

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